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Interactive tiflographic boards

Modern technologies are leading to a gradual increase in everyone’s standard of living, but for people with disabilities, they can be a real revolution in the way they perceive the world.
Interactive tactile whiteboardsInteractive multisensory whiteboards are based on a system that makes it possible to take in and transmit content through several channels, making it easier for people with various disabilities to function on a daily basis. The ability to absorb information through different senses significantly increases the number of users of such devices.

The devices we propose are a complete novelty on the market of urban infrastructure equipment. They communicate with the user through audio signals and messages, backlighting, as well as protuberances and varied textures – including information in Braille. The panels are also equipped with motion-responsive sensors, which further enhances the functionality of the facility, expanding the spectrum of ways to operate it.

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